Beberapa Kebiasaan ini Ternyata Bisa Merusak Hati

By sulthan on Friday, March 31, 2017

Beberapa Kebiasaan ini Ternyata Bisa Merusak Hati
Beberapa Kebiasaan ini Ternyata Bisa Merusak Hati

Secara Perlahan Liver atau dikenal juga hati merupakan organ dalam tubuh manusia yang amat penting. Tiga fungsi utamanya ialah menghasilkan kelenjar, Memproduksi protein hingga memproduksi cairan empedu untuk membantu roses pencernaan. Itu merupakan tiga fungsi vital untuk keberlangsungan hidup seseorang.

Jika saja liver kamu rusak, kehidupan kamu mungkin akan terganggu. Maka penting sekali untuk kamu menjaga kesehatan hati. Nah, untuk itu sebaiknya kamu mulai menghentikan beberapa kebiasaan yang dipercaya dapat merusak fungsi dari hati. Apa saja kebiasaanya? Simak ulasannya.

1. Suka Begadang

Suka begadang
Suka Begadang

Kamu suka begadang? disini pasti ada yang menjawab iya, entah itu untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan atau mungkin hanya untuk menonton film kesukaan. Tapi sebaiknya mulai sekarang kamu hentikan atau mengurangi kebiasaan ini. Sebab terlalu sering kamu bergadang maka organ hati kamu secara perlahan akan rusak.

2. Makan di tengah malam

makan ditengah malam
Makan di tengah malam

Makan di tengah malam merupakan kebiasaan yang sangat buruk, sebab ini akan merusak hati kamu. Hati kamu akan bekerja semakin keras atau lebih tepatnya hati kamu akan dipaksa bekerja. Hati juga ada jam bekerjanya, sebab ketika masuk malam hari hati seharusnya melakukan detoksifikasi racun bukan bekerja untuk memproduksi kelenjar makanan.

3. Kebiasaan meminum obat kimia

Sering mengkonsumsi obat kimia

Ketika kamu mengalami sakit ringan seperti pilek, sakit kepala atau lainnya lebih baik melakukan pengobatan non obat kimia. Mengurangi asupan obat ikmia dapat menjaga kesehatan hati kamu.

4. Kebiasan makan makanan kalengan

makanan kalengan

Makanan kalengan memang amat praktis, namun kepraktisan tersebut sebenernya sangat buruk untuk jangka panjang. Sebab, makanan kalengan biasanya dibekali dengan pengawet yang cukup banyak. Hal inilah yang bisa merusaak fungsi hati kamu. Hentikan ya.

5. Kebiasaan menyantap makanan tinggi garam

makan makan tinggi garam
sering makan makanan tinggi garam

Setiap 1 menit sekali liver akan menerima darah sebanyak 1,4 liter. Nah apabila kamu sering mengkonsumsi bahan makanan yang banyak mengandung garam ini akan membuat tekanan darah kamu meningkat yang akhirnya membuat aliran darah menuju liver tak stabil. Lebih lanjutnya tekanan darah ini akan mengganggu kinerja liver kamu.

Mahakaushal Express train accident

By sulthan on Thursday, March 30, 2017

Serious train accident of Mahakaushal Express

There is a socking train accident of Mahakaushal Express between Mahoba & Jhansi. It’s really sad news. Between the Mahoba and Jhansi, a train accident took place around late night (29-03-2017, 2.00 AM) near the Pahadkul station. Seven bins behind Mahakaushal Express going to Hazrat Nizamuddin from Jabalpur landed down near Mahoba. About 30+ passengers are reported to be injured during this period. Relief and rescue work is on in the accident site as well as sending the injured to the hospital for treatment.

The train crashed near Pahadkul station between Mahoba and Jhansi. The passengers in the Mahakaushal Express train felt vibration in the train before this accident. Two minutes later, the compartment of the carriage began to descend, the first three bins of the sleeper landed, and then the four coaches of the AC dropped below the track. The seven compartments separated by train. The rest of the carriage went up to about one kilometer including coaches.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath took the train accident seriously. He instructed the state Health and Medical Minister Siddharth Nath Singh to go to the accident site immediately. At the same time, the minister has also instructed to monitor the relief work along with medical relief.

At the same time Railway has released Help Line Numbers.

Railway issued helpline number


Gwalior- 0751-1072


Mathura- 0565-2402008, 2402009

Allahabad- 0532-1072, 2408149

Kanpur-0512 1072, 2323015, 16, 18


There is currently no information about anybody dead. 4 AC coaches fell into several feet deep. The passengers, who were sleeping in the accident, were shocked and screamed. There are 4 AC and 3 general passenger coaches in the accidental coaches (Mahakaushal Express). Rescue relief work was started in dense darkness. Mahoba's DM and SP have reached the spot. According to SP Gaurav Singh, there is no information about the death of someone in the accident so far. So far the cause of the accident has not been revealed. All passengers have been removed from the coaches. There is no information about anyone's death.


Ini Waktu Tidur yang Direkomendasikan untuk Setiap Umur

By sulthan on Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Durasi tidur untuk setiap umur.

National Sleep Foundation merekomendasikan waktu tidur yang sesuai dengan usia Anda. Dan jumlah jam tidur Anda dapat mendukung energi yang cukup untuk melakukan aktivitas di siang hari, kesehatan yang optimal, dan juga kesehatan mental.

Masalah tidur dapat terjadi karena berbagai faktor, salah satunya karena stres dan teknologi modern. Stres dapat merangsang produksi kortisol, yaitu hormon stres. Pada tingkat tinggi, hormon ini dapat menyebabkan tidur tidak nyenyak, sakit, dan timbul ketidaknyamanan.

Di sisi lain, cahaya yang dipancarkan dari perangkat teknologi, akan menghambat kemampuan otak untuk melepaskan melatonin, karena tubuh mampu memproduksi hormon ini dalam keadaan gelap.

Kesulitan tidur dapat menyebabkan kelelahan fisik, sulit untuk berpikir jernih, sulit membuat keputusan dan berkonsentrasi, serta menyebabkan hilangnya nafsu makan. Bahkan, hasil penemuan menyatakan, masalah tidur secara langsung dikaitkan dengan berbagai masalah kesehatan.

Tidur kurang dari 5 jam dapat memengaruhi kesehatan jantung, sementara kurang dari 7 jam dapat mengarah pada penambahan berat badan, diabetes, dan obesitas. Untuk itu, pastikan Anda tidur cukup untuk mencegah berbagai masalah kesehatan.

Charles Czeisler, seorang profesor di Universitas Harvard, bersama dengan tim ahli melakukan penelitian, termasuk dari banyak penelitian dari tahun 2004-2014, dalam rangka untuk mengetahui jam tidur yang dibutuhkan dan efek tidur untuk kesehatan. Menurut tahap pengembangan yang berbeda, mereka membuat kesimpulan sebagai berikut.

  • Baru lahir (0-3 bulan): 14 hingga 17 jam.
  • Bayi (4-11 bulan): 12 sampai 15 jam.
  • Anak-anak (1-2 tahun): 11 sampai 14 jam.
  • Prasekolah (3-5 tahun): 10 sampai 13 jam.
  • Usia sekolah (6-13 tahun): 9 sampai 11 jam.
  • Remaja (14 sampai 17): 8 sampai 10 jam.
  • Kaum muda (18-25 tahun): 7 sampai 9 jam.
  • Dewasa (26-64 tahun): 7 sampai 9 jam.
  • Senior (di atas 65 tahun): 7 sampai 8 jam.
Namun ingat, setiap individu membutuhkan waktu yang berbeda-beda untuk berisitirahat, pedoman ini hanya perkiraan saja. Tapi faktanya, kurang tidur dapat menimbulkan risiko kesehatan yang serius bagi semua orang.

Sumber: My Healthy Life Guide

3 Cara Menghilangkan Komedo Hitam di Hidung Dengan Cepat dan Alami

By sulthan on Sunday, March 26, 2017

vThis is the most important process. If you only recognize the things which make you stressed, then it will be easier to remedy them. Give yourself fifteen minutes and think why you are under stress and under pressure today. How many times does this happen in the week? Which people, activities, things make your life cumbersome? Make a list and see if you can bring some changes in them. Go and improve them one by one.

vDiet is very important in stress because food gives the body the power to fight energy and stress. For this, you should include such food in your diet, which is high in vitamin B, magnesium and potassium.

vGetting late is the root of many troubles. If you get up late for 20 minutes a day, you will find that you have to work hard to do all the work of everyday life. It has a bad effect on functioning. Put a habit of getting up early. This should also be used as a habit of sleeping early. Withdrawing at work quickly escapes traffic problems and driving is fun too. Check to see how long it takes to get ready and how long it takes to reach somewhere.

vOften the person feels alone in tension, because of which he is confused himself in his problem which increases his problems. But the tensed person should not do this. If he is married then he can share his problem with his partner and if he is not married, then openly discuss it with your friend. It has two advantages. First, the mind of the person with tension becomes lighter and secondly he can discuss with his partner and get rid of his problem.

vMultitasking means doing many things together, like computers. Many people regard it as a great quality but in reality its losses are high. It slows and disrupts our working speed. It can also take away the attention from important parties of the work. This tension increases. Do the same thing at one point.

vWhen cold water falls on the head, then all anxiety and stress flows with water. It also gives the mind and body coolness. While bathing, you should also use good aromatic soap.

vDo you know them? These people are your boss, colleagues, customer, friend, kin, etc. Sometimes these make our life difficult. Fighting against them will not be right, so it is good to avoid them.

vIt is perfect to take small breaks during tasks. If you have been in work for two hours then just wait. Spread to rest your shoulders and arms. Take a walk, drink water. Go out, see the open sky, and breathe in the fresh air. Talk to someone. Creativity is a good thing but life is more precious than it is. Take a little control of your online activities too.

vThere are many such people who feel themselves pressed into stress so that they start taking the help of drunk to avoid them. But alcohol, tobacco or any other intoxicant substance leads to harm rather than benefit you and surrounds many dangerous diseases such as cancer and heart attack. So keep in mind that in stress you stay as far away as possible from narcotics.

So these are some useful tips to avoid tension. But one thing you should be remembering is that you defeat all your stress with your cool and calm mind. So never get angry and understand the situations. Thank you.



Step by step methods to stop the hair fall

By sulthan on Saturday, March 25, 2017

How to prevent hair lose

Hair means lots of meaning for us. We hold more and more style with this hair. Those whose hair falls a lot, they are very upset. Whenever they make hair, they lose hair very much from their heads. In the event of excessive hair loss, this problem becomes quite distracting. 

Beautiful hair makes every person's personality beautiful. What is not said about the beauty of these “hair”, but the beauty of the hair is diminishing in today's changing environment. Do you leave your hair wherever you go? Are the drainage blocks of your precious hair bathing? You are not alone. Unbalanced diet, disorganized routine and irregular care is the reasons for which every other person is battling. Baldness in the men causes more hair loss. Today, this problem is not confined to any fixed age group. Humans from 15 to 40 years of age are affected by this problem. As soon as you get out and come out bathing, your hair is completely wet. As soon as you use towels to wipe hair, so many hairs come in it.

These are the obvious problems of today’s busy life. We have brought for you some easy prescriptions to prevent hair fall so that your hair gets thicker like swells.

vTreat your hair with softness. Avoid combing wet hair.

v How to prevent hair loss, massage your head thoroughly daily. This will nourish your hair and increase blood circulation in the head. Healthy hair will also grow by doing this.

vAfter shampooing we dry the hair with a wet towel and dry it. Due to excessive pressure, they are weakened and broken. Also most towels are not made from pure cotton, which are not suitable for hair. The right way is to knock the head and rub it with the root to tip towel. Use 100% cotton towels as far as possible.

vHealthy hair cannot be found without proper diet. For this, your diet should have a good amount of protein. Vitamin is not only beneficial for our body but it also benefits our hair. While Vitamin A increases the amount of sebum in the skin of the head, Vitamin E increases blood circulation in the skin of the head. It strengthens the hair. Not only this, Vitamin B is helpful in maintaining hair color.

v Coconut oil is rich in vitamins and is best for hair. Heat this oil and massage slowly on the head. After that take a towel and immerse it in hot water. After this, tie it around the head. With this method, your head absorbs all the oil in its own right. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash with a shampoo. Use this method for strong hair 1 times per week.

vHair roots need a lot of water. Therefore, to maintain the amount of water in the body should drink 4 to 8 glass of water every day. It will be helpful in keeping hair healthy.

vCoconut's natural pure milk is good for hair. It is a very effective product that nourishes hair cells. Take out the juice of coconut. Squeeze it well to remove the juice. Put it on your head to prevent hair from falling.

v Exercise keeps your body healthy and your hair. Exercising at least one hour every day will ease the tension, blood circulation in the head will be good, so that the hair will grow well and it will improve digestion also, in which, the nutritional content of the hair can stop in the body when there is disturbance.

vIf your hair is falling, do not stay in tension with it, otherwise this problem may be more complicated. Stress is the main cause of hair fall in most cases. Do not overload your mind. Yoga, meditation and long breathing will benefit you.

So friends, apply these methods and growing your hair. Because without hair we don’t want to express ourselves and we don’t want to lose it.



Steps of Get Success in Your Life

By sulthan on Friday, March 24, 2017

How to Get Success in Your Life

Here we are discussing about “how to get success in life”. Success is very important things that everyone wants to have it. We all want success in life. It is a reality that applies to everyone whether we are business or a job or a professional or high official, even in the spiritual field, the seeker will be persistent for his success that is, no one wants to remain deprived of it.

Success is one thing that every person wants to get, how do people achieve success after one success? What do they do differently, do you ever know, they are all humans created by nature, they know the truth and how can you take inspiration from them?

The easiest way to achieve the success of your mind is to find success with the success of those who want success like that, associate with the people who have success and understand their methods of success adopt themselves and succeed, not how easy the way is. But why would a person who has an extraordinary success, keep a simple person like us with him and keep him, how many people will keep him? That is, our mission failed? No! We have another way, for this, we have to make a little bit of change in our lifestyle. We will have to take some time to study in our daily routine and when we study subjects related to our area and personality of persons, then our intellectual There will be unpredictable changes that will directly impact our work style and decisions. Actually when we are studying someone's personality, then it is indirectly with us that is comparable to direct contact.

Forget about who you are with. Do whatever he wants to do. Do something for the first time that they should be good and important, what they did, prepare to do something special.

Prepare to do more than do the expectations of the people, try more to do more work. Think of doing something extra with you given work.

When deciding your goals, you should also take care of your financial status and the environment around you.

If you think that you are going on the right path, then ignore the people's worthless things. Trust yourself. Celebrate small successes.

One's character is not ready in one night. A lot of people think of something different about some people but they are different. Therefore, pay attention to what our reputations are going on. Once the character is scratched, it is very difficult to erase it.

Much of the time gets tensed with small problems and we do nothing. Only irritated. So, after getting up in the morning, start with Positive energy.

Life is not easy, but it is not so difficult, keep laughing and enjoying it. Right now the time is good, enjoy it and if it is bad then keep patience and do not worry, the time changes, because it will not be forever. Do not stop laughing and enjoying life, thinking that life is not easy. If something is bothering then smile and prepare yourself to face it.



5 Cara Menghilangkan Komedo Putih Di Wajah Secara Cepat Dan Alami

By sulthan on Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"what is internet in hindi" || internet kya hai (in hindi)

What is internet in hindi ||history of internet in hindi "What is internet in hindi", today we all are trying to know about what i...